Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The whole fam damly...

I think it's kinda crazy how when you are younger and growing up, you never want to spend time with your family because you are too cool and have better things to do, and now that I'm an adult and I don't get to see them very often, I just want to see them every day. I pretty much think that I am the luckiest girl alive because I have a great dad, an amazing mom, and three of the best brothers on this planet. I am so lucky to have the family that I have. I love them.

1 comment:

kandis said...

ARIEN! I love that you have a blog! I could spend hours reading people's blogs...sad, I know!

And I know what you mean about your family...back in the day we would rather be anywhere but home...but now it's pretty fun to hang out there.

By the way you and your lover are way cute together!